Not impressed with real life? Then dive with me into the Sea of Internet. The water’s glittery and contains magical Narwhals.
Infants of your galaxy
- Retro space babies. SPACE BABIES. If you don’t click that, I don’t know what to do with you.
- It was real and it was splendid. Muppet Magazine. Buzzfeed has the best of its covers.
- The best rendition of Bizet’s Carmen from household objects that you’ll ever see.
- I like my heels like I like my cow-assassins. Armed and hooved.
- Don’tchya wish your bicycle was a horse, like mine? Now it can be, via the miracle of Trotify.
- Glee did Gangnam Style and I’m so very sorry, let’s never speak of this again.
I’ve watched this four times and I still can’t even WHAT.
Thankful for intimacy
Spider-man and Uncle Sam got a little inappropriate before the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade this year.
These 17 failures to recreate Pinterest projects will make you feel better about ineptitude.
First there was a wine sippy cup and I wanted it. Then there was wine ice cream and I will burn down the world if I don’t get it.
Twitter did its thing with the #oomph hashtag.
Bill Hader discussing the magic of Stefon.
Monitor how empty your life has become with one simple measurement of your interest levels when it comes to a boy-band Twitter feud.
Einstein, the tiniest stallion
- Look, a teeny tiny pony.
- Polar bear really, really likes snow.
- It’s important that you familiarize yourself with the surprised red panda.
- 9 animals that are just lazy combinations of others. My favourite’s the prairie dog/armadillo (yes, really).
- It’s a thriller, this one. Cat and chick. Cuddle or kill?
French feline soap opera wins ALL the awards: