Hello, gentle Internet Window-Shopper. Look at all these top quality, must-have goods I’ve found from this week’s online melee for you to ogle with your face-portholes.
Avian woo
- Everyone fell in love with this duckling. Must be something in the way he moves (spoiler: frantically, like a chemically enhanced Pac-Man).
- Elsewhere, somebody gave a whole lot of ducks.
- This cockatoo could show you a thing or two about how to rock out properly.
Lip sync videos are normally quite twee, aren’t they? Not this one. This Nicki Minaj lip sync is delightfully out of its tree:
The only way for Up
- Pixar has 22 rules of storytelling. Since the very mention of Up can turn the hearts of even hardened criminals to purée, they’re probably worth noting.
- The Stark family portrait. No, Jon.
- This season, fashion-forward pets are livening up their cones of shame, courtesy of Pringles.
- Want to expand your vocabulary? Got a whole heap of time and patience? Follow @everyword and watch the entire English language tweeted gradually, sequentially, interminably.
It’s like they can see into my kitchen. Foodmourn: Mourning culinary low-points (pictured).
Does it come in X-Pro?
- Looking for ways to make your GPOY pop? This toy will Instagram the bejaysus out of your webcam shots.
- Baby meerkats are adorably wobbly.
- On the other hand, these animals know how to werq their swag. Fabulous.
You think you’ve seen everything and then a whale sneezes out a rainbow. Wait for it: