Buying from independent sellers is often a more enjoyable experience than buying from a larger company. The customer service tends to be more tailored to the individual, a little more care goes into the sale and independent sellers are often happy to go the extra mile. It’s generally a nicer experience all round.
Plus, you get that lovely warm glow from buying from smaller businesses and start ups.
Bouf is another site that collects together all the best independent sellers in one place, combining the convenience of a large retailer with the unique features independents can offer.
They’ve got plenty to offer – from gifts for particular people (yes, I’m afraid that does include a ‘pink gardening kit’, but we’ll gloss over that) to contemporary house furnishings.
Below are a few of my favourites…
Best buys from
- iPhone 4/4S or iPhone5 Case Retro Game, Giant Sparrows, £15.39
- Chalkboard Labels, Nutmeg Wall Art, £6
- Envelope Mail Box, Goodwin + Goodwin, £44.95
- Doodle Duvet, Stitch Designworks, £45
- Bee Hotel and Flower Seeds for Bees, £24.99
- Cityscape Bookends, Jon Aspinall, £40
Got a shop of the week to suggest? Tell us in the comments and we’ll check it out!