Alarm clocks are a necessary evil if you have any desire to get to work on time every day. But as the mornings stay darker for longer, the idea of waking up and leaving your cosy duvet is a pretty hideous one.
Katie has already covered the best SAD lights to combat the change of seasons, but I’m a sucker for an old-fashioned alarm clock. This Space Invaders clock from (£24.99) on the right is a brilliant mix of retro gaming and attractive design, making that 7am start a little more bearable.
Here are four more creative alarm clocks
The get up and go one
This odd looking alarm not only wakes you up with a beep, but then scoots off the table and zooms around your bedroom until you get out of bed and turn it off.
Should make hitting the snooze button a little more of a challenge.
The Clocky Run Away Alarm Clock is from (£39.99).
The eco-friendly one
The eco-friendly amongst us still need to get up for work in time, ideally without the use of a potato-powered gadget. This Water Powered Clock is a decent alternative. Simply fill the sphere with water and a splash of lemon juice, and you’ve got enough power for around six weeks of time keeping and alarm facilities.
It’s available in silver or gold from for £19.99.
The super-organised one
It might not be the prettiest alarm, but this clever gadget offers flexible wake options with his and her 7-day schedules plus seven daily reminder alarms. Like most of the alarm clocks, it comes with an inbuilt radio.
If you’re the kind of organised person who likes to fit in an efficient 40 winks in the afternoon, you can use it to set a sleep and nap timer.
Get the American Innovative Neverlate Executive Alarm Clock from Amazon for £34.27
The really cool one
Aside from projecting the time and using the usual R2D2 sound effects for the alarm, this alarm clock is mainly in the list because it looks awesome.
R2D2 Alarm Clock from Amazon, £21.28
There is an alarm clock for everyone, as I research I find so many different types of alarm clocks.
No matter what your way of waking up, there is a clock that will get you out of that bed and off to work.