The latest Doctor Who trailer has just appeared! With just over three weeks until the likely air date of August 25th, it was about time we saw some promo, and sure enough, here’s a full 90 seconds of footage from the new episodes. Especially since we already had a trailer for Merlin, and that doesn’t start until autumn.
So, what can we see in that 1.5 minutes?
Dinosaurs, Cowboys and Angels, Oh My!
What we’re getting is, essentially, a five-part mini-series writing out Amy and Rory, and then the show disappears again until Christmas. They start with the Daleks, continue through cowboys and the amazingly self-explanatory “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship”, before concluding with a New York-set episode featuring the Weeping Angels, which gets rid of the Ponds for good.
And that is more or less all we know. Oh, there’s also a new promotional photo featuring the Doctor, Amy and a range of Daleks, you can get that in full wallpaper size from the BBC site. But enough gurble, here’s the trailer. I’m assuming the final shot isn’t as big a spoiler as it seems, but who knows?